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When to Repair or Replace Your Appliance

13/06/2024 Reading Time: x minutes pacifica

Is your appliance causing you strife? Wondering whether to bother with a repair or shell out for a brand new one? Sometimes it can be tricky to know which is the more cost-effective option, so in this article, we will give you some useful pointers to answer the question: should I repair or replace? 

How old is the appliance?

Different appliances have different expected lifespans. So if your appliance has been in the family a long time, it might be simply that it’s reached the point where it would be cheaper to replace it than pay for regular repairs.

However, if your appliance is relatively new and still has years of life left, then don’t give up on it yet – repair is definitely worth pursuing. Not only will a repair be cheaper than a full replacement, but when carried out by a professional, it can also reduce the likelihood of the issue arising again in the future.

Consider the cost

You should weigh up the cost of repair and replacement before deciding on which option is best. With a company like Pacifica, there are no call-out fees or hidden costs, allowing you to accurately calculate the final price in comparison with purchasing a new model. This level of transparency allows you to make a decision that is best for your pocket.

Chances are, though, a repair will often be cheaper than purchasing a new model – it’s only when appliances get very old and experience frequent break-downs that replacement becomes the more cost-effective route.

Pacifica engineer testing oven fan during oven repair service

Save money and don’t jump straight to replacing your appliance when a simple fix could solve your problem.

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Opt for regular maintenance

Appliance break-downs often catch us unawares – we’ve all been there – so signing up for regular appliance maintenance will highlight problems early before they become a major headache. With these regular checks from a professional, your appliance can enjoy prompt repairs to maintain its health. Also, being so on the ball with the state of your appliances can save you time, money and inconvenience in the future.

Use a company that offers free call-outs

If you’re debating whether to opt for appliance repair, a big turn-off is call-out charges – especially if it turns out that you need a full replacement on top of that. To bypass this additional headache, select an appliance repair company that offers free call-outs – such as Pacifica. This way, whether you choose to repair or replace, you won’t be out of pocket simply for booking a call-out and bit of expert advice.



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